695€ per group 

  • Duration: 2.5 + hours
  • Location: Tallinn and all Estonia
  • NB: We charge a travel fee of 0.45€ per kilometer if you are located outside of Tallinn's city borders.

A fun, sexy & crazy bachelorette party

If you want to kick it up a notch and spend more time with TWO AfterDark girls, then this is the best option. Apart from everything we do in the SHOT & SHOW, there are a bunch of extra things included in the MINI EVENT. And of course, there are 2 AfterDark girls :-) 

Our MINI EVENT we do anywhere in Estonia! If you plan to do it in Tallinn we can also supply different locations if you don't already have one.

This is a very fun and intense event and we stay for about 2.5 hours depending on what is going on at your event. 2 AfterDark girls will come and play shoot games and do a special show for the groom and the group. It's a fun action-filled show that puts the groom in the centre of attention. There will also be a private dance for the groom and a special show and lap dances for all!

Our custom made shot wheel is a beast on its own and all shots on the wheel interact with our AfterDark girls in one way or another but be aware... they are not your normal type of shots...


  • 2 AfterDark girls
  • Show for the groom
  • Private dance for the groom*
  • AfterDark girls show
  • Lap dance for all the guys
  • Gift for the groom
  • 6 spins on the shot wheel**
  • Shot pin badges with each shot
  • 100% agave Tequila for the shots
  • Party lights
  • Music station
  • Striptease

*Extra private dances with the AfterDark girls are available for a fee

**6 shot spins + Tequila is included in the price. Extra shot spins available for a fee.



Si vous avez un espace extérieur, nous pouvons apporter notre pannier d’immersion complètement fou. Choisissez un partenaire et vos armes: arc et flèches ou balles de lancer.


Jusqu'où pouvez-vous aller? La danse limbo est un plaisir dingue, alors ajoutez cette activité supplémentaire si vous êtes prêt pour une danse limbo.

CIGARES - A partir de 10€

Si l'un d'entre vous veut un cigare pendant l'événement, nous apporterons notre étui à cigares. Nous avons un grand choix de cigares à partir de 10€ l’unité.

TQILAKAZE - 10€ par boîte

Exclusivité AfterDark! Tqilakaze - Le shooter de tequila ultime! C'est le shot de tequila le plus célèbre au monde et vous ne pouvez l'obtenir QUE lors de NOS événements!

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